Protection circle.
Shamanic tool to strengthen your personal boundaries.
GUIDING PLANTS: juniper, centaury
May contain further essences from shamanic wild collection.
Developed according to the principles of the shamanic natural teachings. Harvesting and raw material use under consideration of ancient shamanic traditions. Recipe and production in harmony with the spirits of nature and in resonance with plants, animals, gems and elements. The sprays of SHAMAMA are tools Shamanic sprays are used to support energizing and cleansing of the aura, the chakras and rooms.
Energetic demarcation for protection and strengthening. Helpful for family issues and in everyday business life. Works like 'magic garlic' on energy vampires and prevents energetic injuries. Feel whole and feel protected. The spray contains supporting vibrations for your strong presence. Protection against loss of energy and supportive compensation even with electronic radiation in the environment and electrostatic charge of the body.