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Wounds may heal.

Shamanic aid for the clarification of feelings.

GUIDING PLANTS: Nettle, Thistle, Rosemary

May contain further essences from shamanic wild collection.



Developed according to the principles of the shamanic natural teachings. Harvesting and raw material use under consideration of ancient shamanic traditions. Recipe and production in harmony with the spirits of nature and in resonance with plants, animals, gems and elements. The sprays of SHAMAMA are aids for the energetic and subtle area. Shamanic sprays are used to support energizing and cleansing of the aura, the chakras and rooms.

forgiveness: WOUNDS MAY HEAL

VAT Included
  • Supporting to dissolve energetic blockages and tensions, to forgive others and to allow others to forgive. Encouraging to let go of injuries and feelings of guilt on an energetic level. The spray contains gentle, supporting vibrations for your lightness and enjoyable life.